16 Editable Price Tag Templates [Word]

You might probably have gone shopping for specific items from a store and kept calling the store staff to ask for prices of items. Although you were assisted, the experience might have made you decide never to visit the store again.

Price tags are important in any retail store. They display the cost of items to make it easier for customers to compare product prices without having to ask the store staff. It is easy for store owners to create price tags using a price tag template.

Price Tag Templates

What role do price tag labels play?

In some jurisdictions, it is mandatory to mark each item displayed in a retail store with a price tag label. The law exempts wholesale stores, although they will not break any law if they tag their items with price tag labels.

A price tag label displays the details of an item on display, ensuring a customer gets all detailed information about the product without having to ask the store staff for help. The customer reads the information on the tag and if they are okay with the product, they buy it. The tag should include some or all of these details.

Product name

This is the name of the specific product but not a general name. For example, there are several hundreds of different types of toothpaste. The price tag should not indicate the name toothpaste as a general name but the specific name of the toothpaste.

Producer name

The producer’s name is the company that manufactured the product. The top part contains the product name and then below it is the manufacturer’s name. Sometimes you may opt not to include the producer’s name.


The weight could be in terms of grams, ounces, pounds, etc. This helps differentiate different product weights from the same company. For example, a toothpaste product from the same company could be available in 250gms, 100gms, or 500gms. It should indicate something like product X from company XX, 250gms, etc.


The barcode is used to scan the price of the specific product. Barcodes are issued by an external authority mostly established by government legislation. Know the type of barcode you want to use and place it at the bottom of the price tag.


Include information on whether the product price is a sale price or regular price. A customer should see the price visibly displayed below the product. The price should be more legible compared to the other details in the price tag. Before a customer takes an interest in the other details, their first interest shall be the price.

Printable price Tags

Main types of price tag labels

In any store, you will find two main types of price tag labels – sales price tags and regular price tags. There are other types of tags for different types of products.

Promotional / sales tags template

A promotional / sales tags template is a price tag put on products that are under promotion. These are seasonal sales promotions done by companies to boost sales volume and attract more clients.

At specific times of the year, such as the Christmas season, Halloween, and Black Friday, many stores make promotional sales to tap into the large volumes of purchases. To differentiate the items under promotion from the others, they use a sales tags template to create promotional price tags. They are usually bigger than the ordinary tags.

Regular price tags

Printable price tags are the best when creating regular price tags. By regular, it means the ordinary price. Promotional prices are seasonal and once that season passes, the prices revert to the regular prices of the products.

Printable price tags for different products

A store has different types of products. Customers buy dairy products, bakery products, meat, clothing, refrigerated products, canned food, etc. Labels for dry foods are different from those used on wet foods and also different from those found on clothing. Here are different types of printable price tags.

Dissolvable price tag labels

Dissolvable price tag labels are the most common tags used to label edible products. Due to the guidelines set by the US Food and Drug Administration, the labels dissolve in water at room temperature. They can easily stick to different types of surfaces. Once removed, a dissolvable price tag is not supposed to leave a sticky residue on the product.

Dated price tag labels

These labels have sticky glue on the back so that they can stick to any type of product except edible products. They have a date printed on them that shows the expiry date of the product, usually written as best-by-date.

Freezer price tag labels

These tag labels are used on items for refrigeration. They are made from water-resistant material to keep them from dissolving in water. Apart from showing the price of the product, they also indicate the product should be kept in a fridge or freezer. They have glue at the back and come in different sizes.

Tags price tag labels

These labels are made of plastic and come with a barb for fixing them on products. They contain the price and barcode of the product. These are the commonest types of price labels used on clothing.

Removable price tag labels

These are the commonest types of labels found on a large variety of products, including furniture, electronics, utensils, and detergents. They are not permanent labels and can easily be removed. Depending on where they will be used, they come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. They have an adhesive at the back for easy sticking.

Timestamp price tag labels

These labels specifically show consumers the shipping date of the product and expiration. They have adhesive on the back.

How to create your price tags 

Using the price tag outline available online, you can create your price tags easily and fast. The best way forward is to start with the simple labels and then advance to the more complex ones. Follow these steps to create your own price tags.

Download a sales tags template

Go online and download a sales tags template. Most price tag template creators have customizable templates that you can make changes as you wish. Others will have standardized price tags in excel, PDF, or MS Word templates.

If the template is created using different software, it will be compatible with most operating systems. Open the template and begin to work on your design.

Choose the size you want

If you check the price tag outline online, you will notice it gives you the option for tag size. Each tag size has a unique layout according to the type of paper you are planning to print. If you know the type of paper you will use, choose a layout for that paper.

The size of the price tag labels can also be determined by the product the tags will be used for. For example, clothing requires bigger price tags, while a product such as bread will require a small tag.

Choose your barcode symbol

Your next step will be to choose the type of barcode for your products. If you are new to working with barcodes, this step should not scare you because it’s simple. You only have two options for barcodes – private or public use barcodes.

Public use barcode

A public barcode means your products shall be available globally. The standard public barcode is issued by the local barcode issuing authority. The code gives your products a unique identity no matter where you ship them globally.

Mostly, they contain your country code ID, your business ID, and the specific product ID. The issuer follows the guidelines given under the international barcode issuance guidelines.

If your products shall be shipped worldwide, make sure you apply for a public barcode. Use of this barcode includes all your products distributed to other companies within your geographical location.

Private barcode

These are barcodes that are used within your company only. They could be used to scan products at the point of sale or at the warehouse. The codes become useless outside your business. You might require software that you will use to generate the barcodes for both public and private use.

If you are using MS Word to create your price tags, you can create the barcodes in Excel and then import them into Word. When importing, use the mail merge feature and merge it using a table and not text. Insert all the details required for your price tag and it will be ready for printing.


Keeping your price tags up to date

Many business owners make two major mistakes when displaying or sticking their pricelist tags.

Displaying on the wrong product

Sometimes workers might move products on display and forget to move the tags. Even if products were moved only a few centimeters to allow space for another product, the price tag should be moved too. If it’s left at the same place where the product was, it will give wrong and misleading information.

Not updating price tags on time

Product prices keep changing as supply/demand fluctuates in the market. Many business operators raise or lower prices on their systems but forget to change the price tags.

A customer checks the price of the product on display only to be given a different price at the till. The tags should be updated immediately there is a price change to avoid misleading customers.