A paycheck typically comes with a pay stub template. The stub lists information about the check like the pay period, the date the employee received their pay, information about deductions, gross earnings, and the issued amount.
30 Printable Guest List Templates (100% FREE)
Every social event you host requires the creation of a guest list template. Aside from listing the guests, you also use it to make sure no unauthorized persons enter venue and same time, no intended invitee is left out. It can also help in budget matters as you can use the document to make a cost estimate based on how many guests will be on your list.
30 Free Inventory Spreadsheet Templates [Excel]
As a business owner, it’s important to keep track of your goods or properties so you can decide on what to do next. To do this, making an inventory spreadsheet using Google Sheets or Excel is straightforward, inexpensive, and convenient. This document will help you stay on track when monitoring your inventory.
30 Free Checklist Templates (Word, Excel)
A checklist template is very important but also frequently overlooked document. If you have a lot of things to remember and a lot of things to do, then you should definitely create your own checklist template Word or checklist template Excel. With the checklist, you have a written list of all these important things that you can’t afford to forget and miss out completing an ongoing task or doing a...
30 Editable Medical Clearance Forms (& Letters)
If you work and had to take a leave of absence because you got sick, you will need a medical clearance form before going back to work. Presenting this clearance form will help your employer understand whether you are mentally and physically fit to get back to work.
30 Real & Fake Marriage Certificate Templates (100% Free)
Marriage isn’t legally marriage unless you have proof of your union. Having a marriage certificate makes the union of two persons legal and acts as a supporting document in many things. Marriage is the biggest and most life-changing occasion in life. However, most of the marriage certificate templates available don’t have an aesthetic appearance or lack complete content so you might...
30 Useful Grocery List Templates (Shopping Lists)
Going for grocery shopping without a plan can be a very tedious undertaking. First of all, you wouldn’t know where to start and if you did, you wouldn’t know where to go next. In most cases, those who go unprepared, end up buying items that they don’t even need. It’s also useful in later checking it with the grocery bill and ensure complete delivery/buying. You can avoid these...