40 Printable Movie Ticket Templates (Free & Editable)

Movie theaters require fans to have tickets to be allowed into the theater. You might want to invite a few friends to go and watch a movie with you and surprise you with free movie tickets. You could also be organizing a one-time movie show event and want to invite people to attend. It could be you want to raise funds for a good cause. You need to prepare movie tickets in advance. The easiest way to prepare movie tickets is to use an editable ticket template.

Movie Ticket Templates

Why do you require printable movie tickets?

An editable ticket template allows you to edit attendees’ information when you are preparing a large number of movie tickets. Some of the details such as the amount paid, date, and venue could remain constant but the names of the people attending are not constant.

You can use the template to keep changing the names if the tickets are required to have names. Generally, movie tickets do not have names. A movie ticket is used for different purposes.

It helps you keep track of the number of attendees per show

The movie company could be interested to know the number of people who attended a show at a given time. For example, the company could be screening four movies per day and each screen attracts a certain number of people.

The tickets help the company to know the number of people who attended each screen. The 8 pm screen, for example, could be attracting more people daily. The company can use these statistics to know which screen they will show the choicest movie.

It helps the company to plan its ticketing when issuing VIP tickets and pricing. They will know which time to set aside more VIP seats or what other products to add to their service to make their customer experience better.

The sales record keepers can have proper records of sales done each day or week.

The accounting team for the movie screening company uses tickets records to keep proper sales records. They can know the amount the company generated on a specific day, week, month, or year. This way, they can advise the management on whether the company is making profits or losses.

These are the same records that auditors use when the company is preparing to submit its tax report at the end of the year. Without the tickets, the company could continually make losses without any clue or submit the wrong tax information and attract huge penalties.

People attending the show use the ticket to prove that they paid for the show

Even if a movie the management of a movie theater is using the latest technology to check if the people entering have paid, the systems might fail at one point. The easiest way for someone to prove they have paid to attend the show is to have a ticket in their hand. It will help the company avoid losses due to people who attend without making payment or use fake movie tickets.

You save money for ordering movie tickets

The main purpose of every business is to make profits, without which the business will close. Business people look for every good way to save some money and increase profits. The cost of printing reduces the profit margins of the company considerably. If a movie company has a large flow of clients, it spends several thousands of dollars as printing costs. Using printable movie tickets will help the company save a lot of money.

You save a lot of time

You follow a tedious process when ordering printed movie tickets. First, prepare a request for quotation and send it to different printing companies or your preferred printer. You will then wait to receive the quotation and then prepare an LPO.

There is also the process of preparing a deposit for the printer. Your company will have to give the printer enough time to print the movie tickets, which might take another few days or more. If the entire process takes about a week or more, you will have wasted a lot of precious time. You can save time by using printable movie tickets where you insert customer details directly and print them.

You eliminate fake movie tickets

Many movie theater companies record huge losses each month due to fake movie tickets. When people become regular customers of a certain movie company, they can easily become familiar with their type of tickets. Some people who want to make quick money print fake movie tickets and sell them at a discounted price.

Unsuspecting people will buy, thinking they are genuine movie tickets. If the company doesn’t have checking standards to know which tickets are fake movie tickets and which ones are original, they can continually record losses.

Eventually, the company will not be able to meet its running cost or make a profit. The only option will either be to close the business or begin operating under debts. To eliminate fake movie tickets, create an editable ticket template that you can customize with a different color for each show or different number series.

Printable Movie Tickets

What should an editable ticket template include?

Each individual working on an editable ticket template can customize it to include several things as they wish. However, each movie ticket will have some common key things.

The name of the movie 

Unless the movie tickets are for a one-time event, a movie theater could be screening several different movies per day. To make a clear distinction for each movie, the movie ticket should include the name of the specific movie the person will be allowed to watch.

Without this detail, the person might decide to watch a movie at a different time and make the theater look as if it was overbooked. This kind of incidence might not reflect positively on the company and it might start to lose customers.

Date of the show and the time

It is normal for busy movie theaters to issue tickets in advance. This is a common thing, especially when there is a new release coming soon. People book tickets in advance as far as three weeks or more to the showing date.

You must be sure that the people attending are the ones who booked for the specific show. It will help you avoid disappointing people who booked in advance only to find the theater’s doors closed because it’s full. It should have the date of the show and the specific time.

The place where the movie show will be 

The place where the movie show will be is very important. Even if the ticket holders might know where the venue is, it should be indicated in the ticket. If it’s a movie theater, indicate its physical location. Some companies might have several theaters across different cities or states.

The ticket should be specific to the theater’s physical address, including the state, city, street, and building. If it is a private movie show, the ticket should indicate the place where the show will be held. It helps avoid confusion where someone might book for a show from one state/town and assume they can use the same in another city because the company has a theater there.

Ticket price

Different shows might attract different prices depending on time, location, or movie. Tickets for new releases attract a higher price than old-time movies. The movie fan should know the cost they are paying by indicating it on the ticket.

A certain movie ticket outline will give you options to decide the number of movie tickets you want per page. If you choose to have more tickets per page, the ticket size will reduce and might not contain a lot of details.

Some printable movie tickets might have stubs that you can use when you want to know how many people attended each show. The stubs can also show you the profits you made from a movie show.

These are details that are useful for marketing purposes. You can know your busiest days, whether your seat capacity should be increased, the time of the night, or the day to give offers/promotions.

Fake Movie Tickets

Steps for creating a movie ticket

The DIY movie ticket creation process is easy. It takes you a few minutes to customize the editable ticket template that you will be using to create thousands of tickets daily. Follow these simple steps.

Download a customizable movie ticket template 

Go online and download your preferred customizable movie ticket template. Once you have downloaded, begin the customization process to fit your preferences. These steps will help.

Choose your color/s

The color/s you choose should align well with your movie theme. It should show details about the movie, especially if it is a one-time event you have organized. You may decide to use one color or to have a mix of different colors.

Choose your ticket size

The size of the ticket determines the quantity you will get per page. Bigger ticket sizes might also look beautiful or more presentable. Some tickets could be as tiny as three centimeters long or as long as 10 centimeters.

Choose your shape

Most printable movie tickets have a definite shape that cannot be altered but some templates will allow you to change the shape/design as you wish. The main designs could be landscape or portrait, although you might add round corners on the edges.

Add graphics

Before your print your movie tickets, you might decide to add graphics like images to make them look attractive. Look for the best images that will match your color choice and movie theme. After this, your movie tickets will be ready to print.

Editable Ticket Templates

Different types of editable ticket templates

There is a different movie ticket outline for each type of movie ticket you buy. They are issued according to the expected audience or screening type. Printable movie tickets issued according to an audience are as follows: –

Movie tickets for students

This is a movie ticket outline created for students. Normally, students get a special price because most of them might not be working. It encourages students to go to the movies in large groups. The theater owners could give them a 20% discount or more depending on the number of students attending the show.

The only condition to this type of editable ticket template is that the bearer must prove they are a current student in an educational institution. They might be asked to provide a student’s ID or another type of proof.

Movie tickets for seniors

These are printable movie tickets for senior members. Sometimes the movie theater could be conducting a show for senior members only or they intend to give them a special price to attend any show. In such a case, they use a movie ticket outline for senior members. The management defines the minimum age for senior members, which could be 50 years old or higher.

Adult movie tickets

These types of tickets are strictly issued to people intending to watch adult movies. These are movies for people above 18 years old without a PG or G requirement. The governing body sets parameters on movies for children, teenagers, and people over the age of 18 years.

Tickets according to screenings

Movie theaters also issue movie tickets according to screenings. Each type has its unique rules.

Advanced screening

Movie fans can wait until a movie is released to the cinemas to watch or they can book and watch before release. The movie theaters prepare an editable ticket template for advanced screening. The tickets give fans a chance to watch a movie before t is released to the cinemas. Movie tickets for advanced screening allow you to watch the full movie but not its shortened version.

Movie tickets for family favorites

A movie ticket outline for a family favorite movie is a ticket that gives access to a movie theater by family members. Adults bearing this type of ticket can have their children accompany them to the movie.

These types of tickets are only issued for movies under the classification PG, G, or family film. According to the rules, children below 15 years cannot be allowed to watch movies for people above 16 years.

No free tickets

These are restricted movie tickets issued when a new movie is released. The movie company prohibits the issuance of complimentary passes until the prohibition time is over. There is no prohibition, however, for prepaid movie tickets or vouchers.