Whether you are an amateur or an experienced photographer, you will always have those wow moments when you capture an iconic photo. It could be a person’s photo, a pet, a home, or any type of property owned by someone or a company. It is easy to feel excited and you cannot wait to publish the photo in your blog, website, social media, or any other platform.
Unfortunately, these are people’s photos, the photos of their pets, or property you are about to publish. Without their consent, it might put you into serious lawsuits due to property rights laws. The best moral way is to request the person for permission to publish the photo through a consent form for photos.
Photo Release Consent Forms
Definition of a photo release consent form?
A photo release consent form can also be called a photo release template or a consent form for photos. It is used by a photographer to request an individual for permission to publish their photos.
To put it more simply, it is a photography contract form between a subject and a photographer. Both parties agree on the rules/guidelines that must be followed when using the photo/photos.
A certain photo release template might give the photographer express permission to use the photo/photos the way they’d like but others could be restrictive on the way it should be used. Its purpose is to protect the photographer from lawsuits. It also prevents the use of photos for commercial gain.
Free Photo Release Forms
What is the importance of a photo release consent form?
A consent form for photos is like a legal document that permits a photographer to publish people’s photos or photos of their pets and private property. It describes limitations or permissions under which the photographer can use the photos.
If they use such a photo with permission from the person, they go against the law and could be sued. The form protects the photographer from experiencing legal hurdles from the photo owner. The law prohibits the use of such photos in public spaces such as websites or print media.
These spaces are considered commercial spaces and signed consent is required. It doesn’t matter if the photos are used for profits or otherwise. Random or strategic photos taken on streets or public places do not qualify for release. Those that qualify are photos taken in a private place or property.
What happens if you publish a photo without a release?
- You can be sued: The owner has a legal right to sue you if they find out you published their photos without consent.
- Heavy penalties: The court might decide to penalize you and depending on your accuser’s demands, you could pay thousands of dollars in penalties. Their lawyer will also demand that you pay all legal fees through a court order.
- Your integrity: Today, integrity is crucial in the business field. Information spreads like wildfire and if your lawsuit hits the public domain, you could destroy your reputation.
- Lost time: Legal battles sometimes drag themselves for months. Instead of spending your precious time going about your usual business, you could be spending it in court corridors.
- Mental anguish: Public embarrassment could affect you mentally for many days. It is not worth pushing yourself into such situations just because you didn’t obtain a release.
Examples of situations that require the use of a photo release template
A photographer might use photos or videos in various situations such as ads platforms like print media, promotional websites, or social media. The photographer could be a business person, student, customer, fun, guest, or participant in an event.
As they capture memorable photos, some might look too attractive and they feel the desire to share them online. A business person could be interested in photos specifically for profits. The following situations will require a photo release template.
- Photos that are taken in a private home
- Inside a business premises
- In a hotel room
- On a private beach
- A school dorm
- Modeling events
- Sports event
- Private wedding
- Gala attendee
- Pet photos that are taken in a private compound
Photo Release Templates
Types of a consent form for photos
The consent form for photos can be divided into two main categories.
- Model photo release template: This form releases the use of photos that involve people, their pets, or animals.
- Property photo release template: This is a form that releases the use of photos of properties or objects such as homes, land, business, vehicles, airplanes, boats, etc.
These two main categories are further divided into various variations depending on the intended use. The person seeking consent and the consent giver should ensure every detail that protects their interests is included even if it means involving a lawyer in the preparation and signing process.
Building photo release waiver
This is a photo release waiver required to take and publish photos of a building. Photographers should be keen when taking photos of iconic landmarks because many of them require a release.
It might also include photos taken in restricted places such as barracks and presidential offices. Landmarks could be those located on streets, public parks, or centuries-old buildings. It is upon the photographer to find out if there are any restrictions on such structures.
Photograph release form
This is a general term but it is often used for specific release purposes. A certain photographer could own hundreds of photos taken from different places around the world. Most of the photos might not involve images of people or private property. However, since they belong to the photographer, all rights of ownership are bestowed on them.
If another person (not necessarily a photographer) wants to use them, they will require to download a free photo release form to get permission from the owner. In some cases, the owner publishes the photographs on their website and puts conditions of use. They may require the user to acknowledge their name wherever they publish the photo.
Model release form
In situations where a photographer takes photos of a model, they require to sign a model photo release waiver to use the photos for commercial use. The model might state their conditions for use of the photo or grant the photographer full permission to use them as they wish. If the photographer goes against the agreements stipulated in the photo release template, the model has a right to sue them.
Property release form
This form is required when a photographer takes or wants to take photos inside or outside private property. The photos could involve a private building, an animal, or objects. If the property cannot be recognized beyond any reasonable doubt, the photographer may not be bound by law to request for release.
A photographer should be careful because if a pet or another animal within the compound has reached celebrity status, they require two consents – a property photo release waiver for the property and a model release form for the celebrity pet.
Print release form
If a photographer wants to print photos that require permission, they need to buy or download a free photo release form to get permission to print them. It covers any type of printing such as flyers, posters, brochures, billboards, banners, etc.
Some of the owners might not grant permission to print large photos like banners, billboards, or posters, but they might restrict to prints of specific sizes. They might also restrict the text information included in the photo or other information such as creating a video using the photo or attaching it to other photos.
Nowadays, most businesses such as supermarkets, stores, banks, and other big companies require photographers to sign a photo release waiver before publishing photos taken on their premises.
Child release form
The federal law of the USA does not allow minors below 18 years to sign any type of contract. If the photo involves someone under 18 years old, the parent or legal guardian to the minor will be required to sign the form.
Copyright release form
This is not a common type of photo release form but it is used in certain circumstances. For example, a photographer could have a large pool of unique photos. If another person or company wants to use the photos and own all the rights themselves, they will sign a copyright release form.
A large brand might also take a photo of a person or their private property and request them to forgo all their rights and transfer them to the brand. In such a case, both the releaser and releasee require to sign a copyright release form.
Photo Release Waivers
Details that must be included in a photo release template
Each type of photo release form requires specific information depending on the subjects involved. A photographer can access hundreds of templates online but they must be sure about the kind of template that fits their need. Despite these, whether it’s a free photo release form or a paid one, there will be general details available in each type of form.
Details of names
The photo release template should have the names of both parties. That is, the name of the photographer and the person giving consent. It should capture the full name of both parties as contained in their national identification documents. It is a legal document and the use of alias names or one name only should be avoided.
Description of the photo
The consent form for photos should describe the photo/s in question in detail. For example, the photo might have captured the front side of a home, there could be a dog in the vicinity, a car, and part of the garden.
These details should be captured. If it’s a car, it should describe the color, registration, make, model, etc. Location details such as street, city, and state should be included. Another important detail is when the photo was taken. That is the date, day, month, year, and time.
Terms of use
The two parties must agree on the terms of use that favor both. If they cannot agree, they might decide to seek help from a lawyer. The terms should be clear using a language that both parties understand.
The terms should indicate if the permission is indefinite, unrestricted, or restricted. If it’s restricted, it should indicate the scope of use, size or print, websites allowed to publish, texts that cannot be added, etc.
The statement of the agreement
The statement of agreement on a photo release waiver states the two parties have agreed on the terms irrevocably. It also states each party has read the conditions and understood them. Below the statement, there should be space for the two parties to sign that they agree to be bound by the terms therein.
Without an appended signature of each party, the photo release template can never be valid or used in court. The names of the two parties should be printed above or below the signature line. The date when the agreement was done should be stated in the form.
Other important details that must appear in this section are the identification numbers of both parties, telephone contacts, or email addresses. It might help to attach a copy of the ID for each party and if necessary, a witness should sign although it’s not a mandatory rule.
If it’s a minor that is involved, the parent or legal guardian should be the one to agree with the photographer. The names of the minor may appear along with the names of their parent/guardian but all the document details and signatures should be done by the parent/guardian.
Some important questions to have in mind
When preparing a photo release template, the parties concerned should have the following questions in their mind to guide them.
- Who: The person granting release and the person benefiting from the release.
- How: Ways and means through which the person shall use the photos
- What: Is there any kind of compensation that is expected currently or later and the figures involved.
- When: The timing of the agreement in terms of time to sign, or for the agreement to become effective.
- Where: The place the photos will be used or how they will be used. These are places such as the print media, advertising market, social media, videos, etc.