Usually, when children reach the age of 6 or 7 years old, they may start losing their baby teeth. At this time, both children and parents become excited. A lot of us are familiar with the story of the tooth fairy.
According to the story, when a child loses his teeth, he should leave it under his pillow. Then, the tooth fairy would come to get the tooth and leave a reward, which is usually a coin or a dollar.
Of course, we all know that the parents are the ones taking the tooth and leave the rewards. If you’re a parent, seeing the twinkle in your child’s eyes when he finds the reward serves as your reward.
It’s always great to see wonder and amazement in your child’s eyes. Leaving a dollar under child’s pillow is not always interesting. However, creating a tooth fairy certificate is a better idea.
If your child believes in magic like the tooth fairy, you should do everything to keep the magic alive. You can create a certificate or a tooth fairy letter template on your own. Either that or you can find a free printable tooth fairy certificate online and use that.
Adding a simple touch can make your child’s tooth fairy experience a lot richer.
Tooth Fairy Certificates
When do you give a tooth fairy certificate?
Children feel differently towards losing their teeth. Some may feel excited while some feel worried. Either way, you can give your child a fun experience by starting a tooth fairy tradition.
Along with the “usual” rewards, you can create a certificate or a tooth fairy letter template. This will commemorate the occasion.
Such a document can serve as a keepsake for your child. It will also make your child feel good even though he lost a tooth. Here are some of the best times you can give a tooth fairy certificate to your child:
- When your child loses his first tooth
Usually, a child would lose his very first baby tooth when he’s about 6 years old. This can be a frightening or confusing experience for someone so young.
If you know that your child feels anxious or scared, give him a certificate or letter “from the tooth fairy”. This will make him feel better.
On it, you can include the date when he lost his first tooth. Please mention some details about how it happened, and a few nice words saying how brave he was. It may seem like a small gesture to you, but it can be a great way to encourage your child. This he perceives losing a tooth in a positive way.
It’s a fun tradition to start and it can boost your child’s confidence the next time he loses a tooth.
- The first time the dentist pulls out one of your child’s teeth
There are times when your child’s baby tooth doesn’t come loose or fall out and so you need to go to a dentist to extract it. In cases like this, you can ask your dentist to give you the tooth after he takes it out.
Then you can pass the tooth on to your child to place under his pillow for the tooth fairy. When your child falls asleep, take the tooth and leave a reward. You can also keep a free printable tooth fairy certificate with it.
However, if your dentist doesn’t give you a tooth, you can still make a certificate. Also, leave a letter from the tooth fairy with it under your child’s pillow for him to find the next day.
In the letter, you can say that you (the tooth fairy) received the tooth from your child’s dentist.
These are the best times to give your child a certificate. But if you want, you can give a reward and present a certificate each time your child loses a tooth.
That can be your tooth fairy tradition. There aren’t any “standard rules,” so you can be as creative as you want.
- Make a letter from the tooth fairy
If you’re feeling really creative, you can try making a tooth fairy letter template for your child. It’s quite easy, actually. Whether you design it on your own or download a free printable tooth fairy certificate or letter, doing something special like this is a breeze.
If you think about it, no matter what you make, if your child thinks it’s from the tooth fairy, he’s sure to love it! If you’re planning to make something for your child from the tooth fairy, here are some tips to guide you:
It’s easy to write the letter using the computer. But it’s a lot more special when you write it by hand. Of course, you need to disguise your handwriting so your child doesn’t figure out that it’s from you.
- Make use of colored pencils, crayons, and markers. This will help to design and write the letter.
- Use special stationery or paper for the letter. Also, jazz it up with glitter, stickers, confetti, and other decorations. Remember, the tooth fairy loves pretty things!
If you’re a fan of scrapbooking, you can come up with a very creative letter using your scrapbook. Do not forget to use supplies and embellishments. These are some tips for you. In fact, you can be as creative as you want to be. If you have a son, you can even design the letter or certificate as per his choice and preferences. It is a better way instead of using glitter and confetti.
Tooth Fairy Letters
Tooth fairy traditions to start
There are many ways you can start a tooth fairy tradition for your child. Sure, leaving a dollar or some sort of reward under your child’s pillow is great. But if you think of other ways to start a tradition, it will make a bigger impact on your child.
Here are some great tooth fairy tradition ideas for you:
- Tooth fairy certificate. You can make your own certificate template or find one online. Either way, place this under your child’s pillow along with the reward.
- Tooth fairy envelope or box. Find an envelope or box template online. Next, write down all the details of when, how, and where your child lost his first tooth. Then place the tooth in the envelope and keep it as a reminder.
- Create a trail of fairy dust. This is super easy and super effective. Simply sprinkle some glitter on the window sill of your child’s window all the way to your child’s bed.